Friday 4 January 2013

What Is GRAVITY And How Does It Work ???

When Your Standing On The Ground, A Question Surely Arises How Come? Or What Makes U Stand On The Earth Tough Its Round And Moving. Why Someone Doesn’t Fall Into The Space? It’s Because Of Gravity That’s In This Huge Body Of Earth. But, Not Only Earth But, On Each And Every Planet And On Each And Every Star Or We Can Say Even Every Body Living Or Non Living Consist Of This Force Called Gravity. This Force Of Gravity Pulls Or Attracts The Other Body In This Universe. In Other Words We Can Say It’s An Energy That Attracts Every Other Energy In This Whole Wide Universe, On Some Cases Its Strong And In Some Cases Its Week But, Its Present In Each And Every Object Living Or Non Living. Which Is Described In The Formula?

Now When We Know That’s Its Gravity That Pulls Us Down Towards The Earth, Thus Another Question Arises That What Exactly Is The Gravity Or How It Is Produced That Pulls Or Attracts The Other Body To It-Self? The Answer Is Pretty Easy. Let Me Start It In A Form Of Story For Your Ease.
                Once I Was In My University Sitting And Chatting With One Of My Favorite Teacher Sir.Harris Chughtai As Usual As I Do In My Free Time As He Is One Of The Most Awesome And Amazing Teacher Of All Times I’ve Ever Seen, So I Was Chatting With Him And The Same Topic Popped-Up And We Started To Give Our Own Theories About It I Said That It Was Because Of The Centripetal And Centrifugal Forces, And He Also Said Yes It Was The Same And Gave More Some More Examples That Were In Actual Against Of The Forces Mentioned Above Like Law Of Attraction Which Is A Totally Different Force But, As He Told Me That It Contained Of Gravity As The Gravity Is A Pulling Or Attracting Force. So I Started To Look Up For Further For The Answers That What Exactly It Can Be That Was Generating This Force And How. Many Days Later I Figured That Our Body Works In The Same Way That We Are In One Shape Before But, After Were Dead The Body Starts To Destroy And Deforms, And Earth Will Do The Same After Its Destroyed Or Dead. So As I Look Further I Started To See What’s In Common Of Earth And A Human Body That Makes A Perfect Sense To Me Coz Yes I Haven’t Shared This Theory With Any 1, How Ever I Got With My First Clue That Was The Core Of The Earth And The Blood In Our Body. Both Have A lot Of Similar Physical And Chemical Properties, I.e. Both Mover In An Obituary Motion, Generate Heat In Our Body When In Motion, The Most Both Have A Chemical Property By Name Of Plasma In Them Selves. Now The Blood Has A Plasma And So The Core Of The Earth, Now The Thing Is That When The Blood Flows In Our Body Or When The Core Moves In The Earth It Allows The Plasma To Activate And As The Plasma Activates It Holds Or Generates The Attractive Forces And Acts Like A Magnet That Have Been Formed By Coiling A Metal With An Electric Wires And Attracts Plasma Of Other Bodies Or Plasma In Surroundings That Are Opposite In Nature More Like A Magnet That North Pole Of A Magnet Attracts South Pole Of Other, And The Same Poles Repel Each Other.
                So This Was The Theory I Figured Out That Have A Possibility That Would Have Accorded,  And If We See Deeply So It Really Makes Some Sense That What Gravity Really Is And How Does It Work Or How It Is Generated.
                Well If You Agree Or Dis Agree Please Leave A Feed Back About What You Think About It And If You Have Some Other Views Or Other Theories So Please Let Me Know.

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